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Env Reference

In both the case of a Docker installation as well as a host based installation (manual or via SeAT tool), SeAT has some configuration values that can be set via an .env file. Depending on your installation type, this file will be in either /opt/seat-docker/.env or in /var/www/seat/.env

Configuration Value Reference

Parameter Name Default value Description
APP_URL http://seat.local This is the public address where SeAT instance is reachable. That should match with the EVE_CALLBACK_URL without /auth/eve/callback suffix
APP_LOCALE en This is the locale used by the server to generate translated strings.
DB_HOST This is the IP or domain from your SQL Server.
DB_PORT 3306 This is the port used by your SQL Server to receive query.
DB_DATABASE seat This is the name for your SeAT database.
DB_USERNAME seat This is the user which is granted to the SeAT database from SeAT server.
DB_PASSWORD secret This is the user password
MAIL_DRIVER smtp This is the driver used to send mail. It will be covered in a dedicated article.
MAIL_HOST This is driver mail hostname. It will be covered in a dedicated article.
MAIL_PORT 2525 This is the driver mail port. It will be covered in a dedicated article.
MAIL_USERNAME null This is the driver mail username. It will be covered in a dedicated article.
MAIL_PASSWORD null This is the driver mail password. It will be covered in a dedicated article.
MAIL_ENCRYPTION null This is the driver mail encryption. It will be covered in a dedicated article.
MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS noreply@localhost.local This is the mail address which the user will chown when he will receive mail from SeAT.
MAIL_FROM_NAME SeAT Administrator This is the name which the user will chown when he will receive mail from SeAT.
EVE_CLIENT_ID null This is the EVE Application Client ID you'll get when you created an application over
EVE_CLIENT_SECRET null This is the EVE Application Client Secret you'll get when you created an application over
EVE_CALLBACK_URL https://seat.local/auth/eve/callback This is the EVE Application Callback URL you filled when you created an application over You should have only to fix seat.local
QUEUE_BALANCING_MODE false Determine the workers balancing mode used by the Jobs Manager. Value can be false, auto or simple. See official Laravel documentation for more details
QUEUE_WORKERS 4 Determine the amount of worker which have to be spawn to process jobs over all queues. In auto and simple balancing, this value cannot be lower than 4 as it's correspond to the available queues.
ESEYE_CACHE_DRIVER file Determine the driver used to cache eseye data. available values are file, redis
ESEYE_CACHE_STORAGE_PATH eseye When using the file driver, this is the name of the folder in seat/storage that will store the cache files
ESEYE_CACHE_CONNECTION cache When using the redis driver, this is the name of the redis connection. If using 'cache', it will reuse the existing redis cache configuration found in seat/config/cache.php. It must be a configured connection
ESEYE_CACHE_LOCK_CONNECTION default When using the Redis driver, it will be the connection used to lock the cache