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SeAT 3.0 to 4.0 (Docker)

The upgrade path from SeAT 3.0 to SeAT 4.0 requires some manual work. This is primarily due to large amounts of refactoring that made it into SeAT 4.


Major changes have been made to the way packages workg together, especially the eveapi, web and services packages.

The way jobs are queued and queues themselves have also changed, mostly to reduce resource usage and to improve fluency.

Before starting the upgrade, pay check the plugins you may be using and ensure that they are compatible with SeAT 4. If you are unsure, join us on Slack so that we can tru and assist or redirect you to proper person.


Before you do anything, read and understand this entire upgrade guide.

Those instructions are valid for Docker deployment only. Please refer to bare metal instructions for a non-docker installation.

Remember to do make a complete backup of your current database making a copy off the server where SeAT runs together with the .env file. Both of these are the only things required to rebuilt your instance in case of failure.


  • Check SeAT 4.0 requirements
  • A database backup is an absolute must. Everything in SeAT can be recovered in some way or form except for your database.
  • Enough storage space to have SeAT 3, SeAT 4 and a backup of your SeAT 3 database.
  • Ensure all your SeAT 3 packages are up-to-date (check this in Settings > SeAT Settings)

Docker Upgrade Procedure

If you are currently using a docker installation for SeAT 3, you are in for a treat because upgrading is super easy. All we are going to do is bring the v4 stack up, connect your database and watch as the Docker entrypoint takes care of the rest.

This guide is going to step through some quick preparation steps, then perform the upgrade and finally, check that everything worked out as expected. Let's dive in.

tl;dr upgrades

We highly reccomend that you read the details of this upgrade guide to get familiar with what has changed. But, if this is your nth upgrade, maybe you just want to get the summary of everything, so here it is:

  • Make a backup of your database.
  • cd to your install dir (which is probably /opt/seat-docker) and bring the stack down with docker-compose down
  • Make a copy of your .env and docker-compose.yml files.
  • Download the new docker-compose.yml file with curl -L -o docker-compose.yml.
  • Down the new .env file with curl -L -o .env.
  • Upgrade your docker-compose installation. It should be version 1.26 and up.
  • Configure the new .env file. Important configs include the TRAEFIK_ variables, the SEAT_SUBDOMAIN variable. Copy over existing values from your old .env file for the EVE_CLIENT_ variables, the APP_KEY varaible and finally the DB_ variables.
  • Bring the stack back up with docker-compose up -d and watch the migration process.
  • Finally, once the migration process is complete, update the EVE SDE to populate the tables with static data with: docker-compose exec seat-web php artisan eve:update:sde --force -n


Docker changes since SeAT 3

A number of changes have been made how the docker-compose stack is glued together.

First, the docker repository for SeAT 4 has a new home here, and a new image here.

In SeAT 3, services such as web, workers and cron were all using seperate images. For SeAT 4, we have consilidated all of that into a single image, with a service-aware entrypoint. The code for all of this lives in a new dedicated repository instead of being "hidden" away in the script repo here. All of these changes also mean that we now have the ability to properly tag the docker images instead of relying on the latest tag like we did in SeAT 3. Finally.

Next, the default nginx web server has been replaced with Traefik. For the majority of users this means little to no change to what you were used to. However, if you were fronting your instance with another reverse proxy, it is important to be aware of this change. The base image used for the SeAT docker image uses apache2 to serve the web UI, and Traefik reverse proxies to this, exposing it to the world. Advanced users can rip this out, expose the apache server directly and continue using the setup you have. The options are limitless.


Before you upgrade, you need to backup.

Backup your database

The single most important thing you need is a backup of your SeAT 3 database. Without a backup you will not be able to recover in case of a disaster. So, head on over to the docker db backup section and do that right now.

Backup your env file

The .env file is the one that has your SeAT installations' configuration. It contains things like your SSO Client ID and Secret (aka: credentials). By default, SeAT docker installations live in /opt/seat-docker meaning your .env file will be at /opt/seat-docker/.env. Make a copy of this file and store it somewhere safe.

Upgrade docker-compose

The docker-compose binary should be upgraded so that we can make use of ${VARIABLES} inside .env files.

If you installed docker-compose using your OS' package manager, upgrade the tool using that. Otherwise, a curl invocation to download the latest version should also work.

curl -L$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Stop SeAT 3

First, we need to stop the SeAT 3 stack. Assuming you have the default /opt/seat-docker location for your installation, cd to it first and then run:

docker-compose down

The output should be similar to this:

root@seat:/opt/seat-docker# docker-compose down
Stopping seat-nginx   ... done
Stopping seat-cron    ... done
Stopping seat-worker  ... done
Stopping seat-app     ... done
Stopping seat-mariadb ... done
Stopping seat-redis   ... done
Removing seat-nginx   ... done
Removing seat-cron    ... done
Removing seat-worker  ... done
Removing seat-app     ... done
Removing seat-mariadb ... done
Removing seat-redis   ... done
Removing network seat-docker_seat-network

Upgrading to SeAT 4

Get the new docker-compose file


If you have made customisations to how you deployed SeAT with docker-compose, then you should probably not be replacing the compose file like we are about to do. Instead, have a look at the new one here and adapt.

Next, we will download the new SeAT 4 docker-compose file. Do that with:

mv docker-compose.yml docker-compose.yml.back
curl -L -o docker-compose.yml

With this we have created a copy of the older docker-compose file (just in case), and downloaded the new one.

Get the new .env file

The next step is to get a fresh copy of the new .env file to use together with the new docker-compose setup. There have been a number of changes to this file (primarily as a result of the web server swap out) which we will describe in the next section.

Get it with:

mv .env .env.back
curl -L -o .env

Configure the new .env file


This is admitedly the hardest part of the migtation, so pay close attention. Take it slowly and think about what you are doing here.

There are four main settings categories that need to be updated in the new .env file. Those are:

  • Traefik (webserver)
  • EVE Online SSO Config
  • The application key
  • Database credentials

All of these categories will be described below in detail. For all of them, you have to open the newly downloaded .env file in a text editor and update the values. To be sure you are editing the correct file, check its header. It should say:

# SeAT Docker Compose Configuration

# Web server configuration.
# SeAT running in a docker-compose setup ships with Traefik
# as the default web server. You only need to configure the
# parent domain and port where the web server will listen.
# In most cases, just configuring the domain will be all
# you need to do.

As mentioned earlier. The web server has been swapped out in favour of Traefik. As a result, you need to set a few configuration options to get the web UI to work. If you have a setup where you have configured something like nginx outside of your Docker installation, we highly reccomend you just remove that and switch over to Traefik. Of anything, it's handling of TLS with Let's Encrypt is quite literally a one-time setup and forget thing.

Inside the .env file, Traefik specific configuration options are prefixed with TRAEFIK_. They are:


These fields need to be updated as follows:

  • TRAEFIK_DOMAIN: This is the base domain where your SeAT installation lives. For example, if your SeAT 3 installation lives at, you enter here.
  • TRAEFIK_HTTPS_PORT: This is the external port that will be open to the world. SeAT 4 in docker with Traefik will only listen on TLS as well. Since its configured to be 443, it will most likely clash with your external web server. We reccomend that you just disable your external web server and use Traefik. TLS configuration with it is a breeze!
  • TRAEFIK_HTTPS_PORT: This is the non-TLS port that Let's Encrypt (as part of the ACME protocol) will connect to during certificate renewals. SeAT will not be available here.
  • TRAEFIK_ACME_EMAIL: The email address used for Let's Encrypt certificate renewals.

A SEAT_SUBDOMAIN value is also present, which sets the subdomain where the SeAT web UI lives. This value needs to match what your SeAT 3 installation used, especially so that the existing SSO application you have configured on the EVE SSO portal matches the configured callback url.

By default, most folks will only configure the domain, subdomain and email and be done. Of course, if you have custom configurations and needs, feel free to adapt.

Traefik - TLS

Traefik should handle all of the relevant configuration to get your site to listen with a valid TLS certificate. The secrets for the TLS configuration in Traefik relies on an acme.json file which you should mount into the Traefik container from the outside so that it persists restart.

Prepare the json file from within /opt/seat-docker with:

mkdir acme
touch acme/acme.json
chmod 600 acme/acme.json

Next, make sure you have the TRAEFIK_ACME_EMAIL variable set, and finally, uncomment the labels that will make use of the Let's Encrypt cert resolver in the docker-compose.yml file. By default, they will look like this, whereby you need to remove the # in front.

(Note: the line below in docker-compose.yml is located in two places, only remove the # from seat-web)

#- ""
EVE Online SSO

Since SeAT's authentication relies on EVE's SSO, you need to configure the relevant client id and secret. You can find your old values in the backup you have made of the .env file. The values you need to set are:


For the callback URL, ensure that you have correctly configured the SEAT_SUBDOMAIN value in the previous step.

The SeAT Application Key

By default, the APP_KEY value for a fresh .env file will be insecure. This is a purposefully incorrectly formatted value. You can simply set this to the value you have for the same variable in your backup .env file.

Database details

This is one of the more important steps. The database configuration needs to match what your SeAT 3 installation used because the database data lives in a docker volume. When the stack will start up for the first time again, the SeAT 4 container will have access to the SeAT 3 database volume, and run migrations there. So, you need to copy the database credentials from the old .env file to the new one.

The variable names have remained unchanged, but for referece they are:


Bringing SeAT 4 up

The only thing that is left to do is to start the stack up again. The first time we are goin to start SeAT 4 we wont use the -d flag. This is just so that you can see what's happening during the upgrade procedure. So, start SeAT with:

docker-compose up

You should see something like this happen when you run the above command:

root@seat:/opt/seat-docker# docker-compose up
Creating network "seat-docker_seat-network" with the default driver
Pulling mariadb (mariadb:10)...
10: Pulling from library/mariadb
3ff22d22a855: Already exists
e7cb79d19722: Already exists
323d0d660b6a: Already exists


After a while, migrations should start running:


seat-web_1     | starting web service
seat-web_1     | Starting first run routines
seat-web_1     | Migrating: 2018_06_05_110000_drop_assets_from_outposts
seat-web_1     | Migrated:  2018_06_05_110000_drop_assets_from_outposts (0.02 seconds)
seat-web_1     | Migrating: 2019_02_09_110731_drop_type_from_notification_groups
seat-web_1     | Migrated:  2019_02_09_110731_drop_type_from_notification_groups (0.01 seconds)
seat-web_1     | Migrating: 2019_05_11_164831_add_permission_role_filter



Do not interrupt the database migration phase. It will leave your database in a potentially corrupt state, meaning you are going to have to do some extra pluming to get a backup restored. Not a train smash, but not worth it.

Be patient, there are many, many database changes that need to apply.

Eventually, when everything is done you should start seeing the following output:

seat-worker_1  | [2020-08-19 21:11:45][2] Processing: Seat\Eveapi\Jobs\Status\Status
seat-worker_1  | [2020-08-19 21:11:45][1] Processing: Seat\Eveapi\Jobs\Status\Esi
seat-worker_1  | [2020-08-19 21:11:46][2] Processed:  Seat\Eveapi\Jobs\Status\Status
seat-worker_1  | [2020-08-19 21:11:46][1] Processed:  Seat\Eveapi\Jobs\Status\Esi

This is a good sign, and means everything is now ready!

Check your installation

The first obvious step will be to check that you can access the web UI. If not, something is probably weird with the web server configuration and needs some tweaking.

If everything seems to be working fine, you can hit crtl + c which will bring the stack down gracefully.

^CGracefully stopping... (press Ctrl+C again to force)
Stopping seat-docker_seat-cron_1   ...
Stopping seat-docker_seat-worker_1 ...
Stopping seat-docker_seat-web_1    ...
Stopping seat-docker_traefik_1     ... done
Stopping seat-docker_redis_1       ...

Then, bring it back up with the -d flag.

docker-compose up -d

Convert User Tokens

SeAT 4.x is using the new CCP Token format (v2). In order to use registered tokens from your previous installation, you'll have to run the following command:

docker-compose exec seat-web php artisan seat:token:upgrade

Update EVE SDE

This is the final step, for real. You need to update the EVE SDE. With your stack up and running (after executing docker-compose up -d), you can now force an SDE update with:

docker-compose exec seat-web php artisan eve:update:sde --force -n

Congrats, and welcome to SeAT 4!


Super administrator is now an user flag and have to be defined at user level instead of Access Permissions. You'll get more information regarding the new system on Admin Login and Authorizations pages.