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Community Packages

Below is a list of packages contributed by the community. These packages normally follow the same installation procedure, however, its best you consult the documentation of the package itself in case there is anything special you need to get it working.

Blade package installation

Packages will normally come in the form of a composer package that you need to include in your SeAT install, as well as a Service Provider that you need to bootstrap. So, generically speaking, installing a package will mean that you:

  • Ensure that you are in the path where you installed. By default, this should be /var/www/seat.

  • Put your application into maintenance mode. This will ensure that no request from the outside will hit your applications logic, and also help you perform an upgrade uninterrupted. Do this with the following commands issued as the webserver user:

sudo -H -u www-data bash -c 'php artisan down'
  • Require the package via composer:
sudo -H -u www-data bash -c 'composer require <package vendor>/<package-name>'
  • Publish the assets with artisan:
sudo -H -u www-data bash -c 'php artisan vendor:publish --force --all'
  • Run migration in order to update database:
sudo -H -u www-data bash -c 'php artisan migrate'
  • Renew config and route cache to benefit of newly added functionalities:
sudo -H -u www-data bash -c 'php artisan route:cache'
sudo -H -u www-data bash -c 'php artisan config:cache'
  • Clear SeAT cache after installation:
sudo -H -u www-data bash -c 'php artisan seat:cache:clear'
  • Seed schedule so that new and missing commands get added to your schedule:
sudo -H -u www-data bash -c 'php /var/www/seat/artisan db:seed --class=Seat\\Services\\Database\\Seeders\\PluginDatabaseSeeder'
  • Bring your application live and back out of maintenance mode:
sudo -H -u www-data bash -c 'php artisan up'

Installing packages like this will ensure that none of the core SeAT packages are affected and you should be free to upgrade SeAT core at anytime.

Docker package installation

Applying community packages to your SeAT instance with Docker requires you to update your .env file located in /opt/seat-docker and uncommenting SEAT_PLUGINS by removing '#' and entering the package(s) to be installed separating each package with a comma. An example of how to enter packages in your .env would be:

# SeAT Plugins
# This is a list of the all of the third party plugins that you
# would like to install as part of SeAT. Package names should be
# comma seperated if multiple packages should be installed.

  • Once you have entered the package(s) to be installed run the below command in /opt/seat-docker:
docker-compose up -d
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.mariadb.yml -f docker-compose.traefik.yml up -d
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.mariadb.yml -f docker-compose.proxy.yml up -d

After running the above command wait for containers affected to rebuild. If SeAT does not come back up refer to Troubleshooting for more insight.

Package list

SeAT specific packages

Maintained packages

Package Version (SeAT 4.x) Version (SeAT 5.x) Installation Description
alliancewaw/seat-mumble-register Latest Stable Version SeAT 5.x incompatible Read the docs This plugin provide an extension to generate a certificate for SeAT user and regist it to mumble server
cryocaustik/seat-hr Latest Stable Version Latest Unstable Version Human Resources plugin for SeAT with Applications (with customized questions per corporation), Blacklist, Intel, Kick History, Notes, and Sheet
cryptaeve/seat-squad-sync Latest Stable Version Latest Stable Version Adds the ability to sync squad members into filters of permissions
cryptaeve/seat-text Latest Stable Version Latest Stable Version A module to serve public static ascii, with editing access controlled by seat
denngarr/seat-fitting Latest Stable Version See cryptatech-seat-fitting Module to check fittings per character
denngarr/seat-srp Latest Stable Version See cryptatech/seat-srp A module for SeAT that tracks SRP requests
cryptatech/seat-fitting See denngarr/seat-fitting Latest Stable Version Read the docs Module to check fittings per character
cryptatech/seat-srp See denngarr/seat-srp Latest Stable Version A module for SeAT that tracks SRP requests
h4zz4rddev/seat-buyback Latest Stable Version SeAT 5.x incompatible A SeAT module for buyback functionality
humunuk/alliance-structure-mngmt Latest Stable Version SeAT 5.x incompatible Add "Structures" sub-menu to Alliance page and show all the structures that belong to corps in alliance
kassie/calendar Latest Stable Version See hermesdj/seat-calendar Read the docs Calendar plugin
hermesdj/seat-calendar See kassie/calendar Latest Stable Version Read the docs Calendar plugin
pyTonicis/seat-corp-mining-tax Latest Stable Version Latest Stable Version Read the docs A module to manage corporation mining taxes, mining statistics, corporation moon minings
warlof/seat-discord-connector Latest Stable Version Latest Stable Version Read the docs A Discord driver to be used with seat-connector
warlof/seat-teamspeak Latest Stable Version Latest Stable Version Read the docs A Teamspeak driver to be used with seat-connector
recursivetree/seat-info Latest Stable Version Latest Stable Version Read the docs A module that adds a small wiki-like article systems for example as a corporation bulletin.

SeAT 5.x
You need to follow special steps after upgrading to retain your resource files.
recursivetree/seat-rat Latest Stable Version Latest Stable Version A module to monitor ratting usage in a system, e.g. to prevent dropping the bounty risk modifier in nullsec.
simplyunnamed/seat-user-last-login Latest Stable Version SeAT 5.x incompatible Tool to help find potential AFK's in your corporation.
recursivetree/seat-billing Latest Stable Version Latest Stable Version A billing module to help you with ore and rating taxes.
recursivetree/seat-pushx-blamer Latest Stable Version SeAT 5.x incompatible A module to tell you who's guilty of blocking the PushX queue.
recursivetree/seat-alliance-industry Latest Stable Version Latest Stable Version A corporation/alliance/coalition industry order marketplace
recursivetree/seat-inventory Latest Stable Version Latest Stable Version Inventory manager for contracts and corporation hangars.
recursivetree/seat-transport Latest Stable Version Latest Stable Version This plugin is a calculator for hauling costs, for example for an alliance JF service.
recursivetree/seat-mineral-hauling SeAT 4.x incompatible Latest Stable Version Calculates the most efficient way to move minerals in refined ore form.
feibam/seat-qq-connector SeAT 4.x incompatible Latest Stable Version A SeAT plugin which Link seat user to QQ number to help you find SPY in the group
hermesdj/seat-industry SeAT 4.x incompatible Latest Stable Version A fork of recursivetree/seat-alliance-industry that became it's own thing through major refactoring and modification on how the orders and deliveries works.
hermesdj/seat-planetary-industry SeAT 4.x incompatible Latest Stable Version Read the docs Planetary Industry plugin for SeAT.
hermesdj/seat-mining-scan-parser SeAT 4.x incompatible Latest Stable Version A simple tool used to parse mining scan results to evaluate the content of a belt.

Price Provider Packages

These packages implement different prices sources for the recursivetree/seat-prices-core price provider system. If you are on SeAT 5 and use a plugin that uses recursivetree/seat-prices-core internally, you can install and use any of the following price provider packages.

Price Provider Version Description
recursivetree/seat-prices-evepraisal Latest Stable Version Prices from evepraisal clones
cryptatech/seat-prices-janice Latest Stable Version Prices from
cryptatech/seat-prices-fuzzwork Latest Stable Version Prices from

Library Packages

These packages provide utilities for other packages and usually don't need to be installed manually.

Package Version Description
warlof/seat-connector Latest Stable Version A generic connector module that handles invites and roles management with any registered platform
recursivetree/seat-treelib Latest Stable Version A module that contains shared code for all recursivetree/* plugins
recursivetree/seat-prices-core Latest Stable Version This plugin provides a price provider system for all plugins dealing with prices. Seat 5.x only.

Deprecated packages

Package Version Description
eve-scout/eveseat-oauth2-server Latest Stable Version This EVE SeAT package enables an OAuth2 server for Single sign-on.
flyingferret/seat-whtools Latest Stable Version A small collection of tools for helping with Wh-Life corporation management, including calculating doctrine stocking levels (based on contracts and denngarr/seat-fitting plugin), a blue loot tax calculator, and a skill base certificate management. Currently very much a work in progress.
freedenizen/eveseat-notes Latest Stable Version A notes addon for seat 1.x
herpaderpaldent/seat-discourse Latest Stable Version SeAT Discourse enables SeAT to act as SSO provider for your Discourse-Forum instance. Groups and Categories do respect roles of members. With this package you can create hidden sections for your member and public sections for potential recruits to which members get automatically access to. Important: Check installation instructions on Github.
herpaderpaldent/seat-groups Latest Stable Version Module to create auto, open and managed role groups to which user can be automatically be assigned, user can opt-in or user can apply to.
herpaderpaldent/seat-notifications Latest Stable Version This is a fully functional notification package for discord and slack notifications. This package is very easily extendable by other packages and should replace core notifications at some point. Currently seat-groups provide many useful notifications. Notifications are send out by slack or discord bot and uses twice a full oAuth2 authentication of the user.
warlof/seat-migrator Latest Stable Version A migration script between SeAT 2 and SeAT 3
warlof/seat-slack-sso Latest Stable Version Slack SSO integration for seat 2.x
warlof/eveseat-mining-ledger Latest Stable Version ESI capability that provides a mining ledger to SeAT 2.x
warlof/slackbot Latest Stable Version A slack bot that handles invites and kicks based on an api key
recursivetree/seat-prices-evemarketer Latest Stable Version Prices from


Packages after this message are provided as history and idea database. They will not work on the stable version since they are non longer maintained by their author or have been integrated in core.

Installing different versions

Sometimes it can be useful to install a version different from the latest version, for example if you want to install an older version of a plugin or if you want to test a bugfix. The easiest way to find all available versions is to go to the packagist site of the plugin by clicking on the version in the available plugins list. On packagist, if you scroll down, to the right you will find a list of all available versions.

Follow the normal installation steps, but change the composer require command to include the package according to the following example:

sudo -H -u www-data bash -c 'composer require <package vendor>/<package-name>:<version-name>'

In your .env file, add the version to the package like this:

Next, restart the stack as usual.

docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d

In your .env file, add the version to the package like this:

Next, restart the stack as usual.

docker-compose down
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.mariadb.yml -f docker-compose.traefik.yml up -d

In your .env file, add the version to the package like this:

Next, restart the stack as usual.

docker-compose down
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.mariadb.yml -f docker-compose.proxy.yml up -d